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Nehemiah Center

About 2000 years ago a group of Jews and their Gentile friends would gather together in and around the city of Jerusalem in Israel. They were unique in that day in that they had met and walked with the promised Messiah who we today call Jesus and who his friends knew by his Hebrew name Y’shuah.

There were no fancy buildings and no stained glass windows. They met in homes and reclined on simple furniture and most of all they LOVED their savior, and they loved one another.

That is what we have tried to attain here at Nehemiah Center.  A relaxed atmosphere and a love for our Messiah Y’shua and each other  We teach strictly from the scriptures are born again with a focus on the Hebrew roots of our faith.

Nothing Fancy just people who love Jesus!

That’s our story in a nutshell!                  More Info

Radio Nehemiah

Nehemiah Center hosts it's own radio station which offers sound biblical teaching 24 hours a day - 7 days a week.



A selection of messages and servies  recorded and podcast for your convenience. Simply click the podcast logo to get started


Our Service Times

Erev Shabbat:

Friday 8:00 PM   Friday is a Hebrew Roots Service

First Day Worship:

Sunday 11:00 AM Bible Study following the service

Live Radio Show on Radionehemiah.org Monday, Tuesday, Thursday 9 - Midnight and Friday 8:00 PM Eastern Time.


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